Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You WANT to Follow this Blog (FREE Printables!)

Not a Jedi mind-trick, folks. Just stating what I hope will be a fact for you. Why? Well, primarily because I'm a freak for organization, and nothing scratches that particular itch quite as well as creating charts, checklists, graphic organizers, and other good printable action that I find useful. And I figure that if it's good and useful for me, it might be so for some of you, as well.

I've got myself set up with a Dropbox account with the intention of sharing various printables and handouts with my readers. (I know some of you are reading, even if the site does look a little lonely and bare here in the beginning.)

For instance, I have already uploaded these documents to my Dropbox account:

Book Report Form
Leaf/Tree Identification Sheet

I have one single philosophy when it comes to sharing teaching materials: Use, lose, or abuse. Use anything I make available, if you like it. Ditch it, if you don't. Or change it to make it useful, if that's what you need. Share with anyone you like. I'm creating these docs for myself, but I'll be tickled if they can help you or your friends.

And go ahead and subscribe to this blog -- or click "follow." You'll want to keep updated, right?

Oh? And another reason to follow:

I'm working on a huge writing project for Pagan kids and families. It's called Pagan Sun Day School, and it is a full curriculum of lesson plans and ideas to help parents with teaching their kids about their religion. (Again: use, lose, abuse. I don't intend it to be the be-all and end-all. Just a starting place for parents who would like a boost.) I will offer some of the lessons for free ... just for friends of the Black Family (um ... blog readers)!

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